The Dutch company Fri-Jado has been developing and manufacturing high-quality, technologically advanced products for the preparation, storage and serving of hot and cold foods since 1937. Their products are present on a daily basis in leading world-famous retail chains, convenient small shops, fast food restaurants, petrol stations and other specialized catering establishments. All their products are developed and manufactured at the company’s headquarters in Oud Gastel in the Netherlands. Their motto is “Making food irresistible” , which reflects their mission and vision to offer the customer food unchanged from the moment of preparation.
Turbo Deli Rotisserie is currently the fastest rotisserie oven of its kind on the market. Fresh air is constantly supplied to the roasting chamber, which translates to a unique result of roasting chicken, as the taste and its crunchiness lead to an eye-catching appearance and accelerated sales. The wide range within the series is the advantage that puts Fri-Jado’s products at the top of this type of appliance. You can choose between manual or digital control and 4, 5, or 8 rotating forks. Even for larger capacities, it is possible to connect the oven to the 5 + 5 or 8 + 8 option, all this and more is made possible by Fri-Jado.
Fri-Jado’s Autoclean TDR is “one of a kind” – or unique in our opinion! It is currently the only real self-cleaning Rotisserie grill that completely cleans stubborn grease deposits, thus preserving and extending the life of the appliance. We are all well aware of how intensive and time-consuming the cleaning process is after a full day of use, but we are not aware of how much time and hours your employees would save on the Autoclean TDR oven. The calculation says that the investment in the self-cleaning system pays off in the next two years from the start of use. Check it out and see for yourself!
Are you interested in the Revolution of roasting larger capacities of different types of meat, and at the same time creating theatrical cooking and consequent sales promotion? All of the above is only possible with the multi-series, which can prepare up to 60 chickens or any other type of meat in one cycle, and at the same time, it does so 50% faster than other conventional Rotisserie grills. With the function of automatic correction of parameters in the cooking cycle “cook correction”, it ensures safe and consistent food preparation according to HACCP standards. A fully automatic cleaning system saves time, effort, and labor costs.
The Fri-Jado Space Saver is a prime example of effective use of floor space. By combining a TDR 5 or TG4 rotisserie and a MDS 86-2 Self- Serve grab-and-go merchandiser, you save valuable floor space.
The rotisserie’s appetizing chicken theatre will whet the appetite of any customer. The fact that customers can take the products from the MDS 86-2 themselves will lower buyer thresholds even more. Double output on a single spot. Success guaranteed!
Smart design with 34” wide – 2 level heated merchandiser stacked below a rotisserie, Maintains your ready to eat products at a minimum temperature of 65°C for up to four hours, saves your valuable floor space, and helps you to boost impulse sales. With additional accessories, you can choose different options like V spit, meat baskets, and chicken racks to ensure the optimum working process. Space-saver is definitely the right choice.